Tag Archive for: treehouse

A Kid’s Retreat-My Plan for the Future

We don’t have rug-rats, yet. I have taken this non-rugrat season to observe parenting styles, take notes, ask questions and compare results. I am like a scientist without all of the sciencey stuff.

While Biceps and I were finishing up this last tour, I discovered something wonderful in the backyard of our friends. They have two little boys and one dominates this treehouse.

While the dominator was dressing up in a skeleton costume-for some unknown reason-I snapped these shots for future reference.
If we were to have a boy-and I hope we do-this is what I would love to build for him.

I began taking notes on the treehouse, rope bridge and all, stowing the information in my ‘boy’ file.
I could see building something similar for myself. Who doesn’t love to hang out in a tree?

I suppose if we don’t start pro-creating soon, I could always build this in my backyard and pretend that it’s for my nephews. I think people would buy it.
Unless of course they caught me swinging from the rope bridge. I had better get a gate that locks.

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