Tag Archive for: foot

Foot Friday

There’s something simple about feet. We all have them. And you could be the richest person in the world; own private jets, islands, harems of cats…but you still have to take your shoes off at the end of the day to reveal hairy toes, ingrown nails and bunions.


You might have gnarly feet that never see the light of day for fear of banishment from society, or hairy feet that could use a good razor-ing that you proudly display throughout the summer. Or you could be hiding the fact that you haven’t done your toenails in weeks and so you wear garden clogs when outdoors.


I’ve noticed that feet are peculiar things. I’ve seen small feet on big men-my Grandpa wears a size 10 and he’s 6’2″. I’ve seen huge feet on little cats. It seems feet know no boundaries and they are no respecter of persons.


Regardless of what type of feet you have-cute pudgy ones, big hairy ones or small normal ones and whether or not you tend to them frequently, they are still going to stink if you forgo socks.


And they are still going to bleed if you run to far. I think feet have a way of keeping us all humble-hairy or not.

Happy foot friday. Keep it real.

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