Archive for category: Featured

The Sunflower State is Friggin’ Awesome

Dear Readers:

Did you know that I’m from Kansas? I mean, technically I’m from Landstuhl, Germany. But, do the first three years of your life really count?
And did you know that I’m in Kansas right now? Be still my beating heart.


Kansas is where I claim to have grown up. My childhood consisted of sunflower fields, cows, tornadoes, coyotes (pronounced ki-yoat) and snakes. And all that was found just in my backyard.


Due to my extreme nostalgia, it’s no small wonder that sunflowers are my favorite flowers-second only to daffodils. I would drag these ginormous yellow and brown beauties into the house, sending my extremely allergic brother to the brink of insanity. Sorry, Pat. I thought you were just being a wuss and trying to get out of work. We didn’t know about allergies back then.

Heck, I didn’t even know about salad dressing back then.


The only thing better than being in Kansas, is being in my hometown of Manhattan, Kansas at Vista. And eating french fries with my parents while the Beatles play on the jukebox. (But, that’s a whole other side story.)

However, I’m not in Manhattan-I’m in Kansas City, which is the fancy part of Kansas. Unlike Manhattan, Kansas City has museums, real shopping, “districts”, and a major league baseball team. As a little kid, I was always intimidated by Kansas City and thought the kids here were cooler than I was.

I bet they even knew about salad dressing.


I joined Biceps on a overnight work gig, so while he is hard at work, I’m going to go see things like this at the Nelson-Atkins Museum.


And things like this. All. By. Myself. I won’t have to hurry up when I want to stay, or linger when I want to move on.

Let’s review the facts about today:
I’m in Kansas
I’m going to a museum-alone!
Biceps is simultaneously making us money
My meals are paid for

The verdict is: Kansas is friggin’ awesome.

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My artistic license is at stake.

Dear “Anonymous”-

When I was employed as a writer and my husband was still a touring musician, I felt the freedom to be weird. I wore weird clothes, I listened to weird music, and I decorated my house with my weird style.

Sure, I received some flack from the “normals”, but I was surrounded by more weirdos than normals.


Biceps and I were often hired by others to build out of the ordinary things, due to the fact that our artistic license accompanied our meticulous building skillz. Case in point, an artist hired us to build her this pretty, but functional shed that we deemed the “Big Girl Playhouse“.


I’ve been proud of the unorthodox things that I have built. I realize that not everyone is a weirdo like me and won’t like my style. That’s cool. I can handle it.


But, as a blogger, I am critiqued for my artistic license way more than the average bear. I try to take it all in stride. Heck, I understand why someone on the west coast doesn’t appreciate my deer hoof coat rack. They’re worried about their patchouli and plugs. I track with why Mr. Modern Guy may not like my barn wood dining room table. I understand it’s all chrome and glass for you. And sure, purple master bedrooms may not be your thing. I know you have a hankering for realtor beige. It’s cool.

I’m not normal, so my stuff isn’t normal. I get it. I friggin’ get it.

When I build something that’s for me, and I take the time to photograph each step, edit those photographs, write out an informative tutorial on exactly how to do it, how much it costs, where to buy the material…why is it ok for the internet kingdom to rip me a new one and tell me how ugly/stupid/dumb my project was?

Not to be creepy, but I know who you are: I know your IP address, where you logged in from, how you found my blog, what city you live in, what pages of mine you visited and for how long.

So, even if you are wussy enough to call yourself “anonymous”, you aren’t. Just let me be a weirdo over here in my little world. And, I’ll allow you the same.

Love-Weirdo Rebekah

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Why I read the Bible

Dear Readers:
Some say it’s a crutch for the unintelligent. Some say it’s an outdated book full of stories and fables. Some say you can’t trust it because humans wrote it.

I say it’s that only thing keeping my gross, ugly side at bay.


It’s the only thing that pulled me out of a terrible, depressive state when my fiance dumped me (rightly so). The whole world, I felt, was against me. I was asked not to come back to my college classrooms by my professors. I lost every single one of my “friends”, save two. I moved off campus to avoid the constant looks and whisperings. I shrank down to 98 pounds. I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t sleep.

But, then I read, “He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.”
Psalm 18:16

I knew God could restore me, but would He? Did I deserve His love? After all, I was one messed up human, full of sin and nastiness.


But then, I read this, “If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored: If you remove wickedness far from your tent.” Job 22:23


I had to change-in a real way. I hated what I had become-a self-righteous, indignant person that could easily judge others, but with little moral compass for myself. I was so embarrassed when my charade was up.
I wanted to be back in God’s graces, but I didn’t think I deserved His love and his salvation. It seemed everyone else had it together but me.

Thank goodness for God’s Word. “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

All have sinned? That means Mother Teresa, Billy Graham…and me?


I realized that I was and still am a sinner in desperate need of a Savior. I confessed my sin to Him and He forgave me. He washed me clean. He gave me a fresh start. Daily, I have to still do this because I am still so imperfect that I screw up constantly.

Even though God had forgiven me, I still had to deal with the consequences from the mess I had made. I had to endure the awful phone calls from my ex-fiance and his family. After all, I felt like I deserved some more punishment. It couldn’t be that easy-could it? You can’t just ask for forgiveness and actually expect to be forgiven-can you?


Then, I read what the Bible had to say.
“Open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” Acts 26:18

I couldn’t believe that one day I might be standing in the throne of heaven, surrounded by great men of faith like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Paul, Luke, John the Baptist…but I will. And reading the Word reveals to me that these “great men of faith” screwed up constantly. Abraham and Isaac lied several times about who their wives were, Paul was a murderer, Jacob had to wrestle with God. I seemed to fit right in.

If you don’t know God, or if you feel under condemnation for your past-start off by reading Romans. And then, email me. I’d love to talk with you about who you are in Christ. He takes the old and makes it new!


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Gettin’ Sauced on Live Television-No Sugar, No Fuss Applesauce

Guess what I’ll be doing this morning? I will be showing how to make No Sugar, No Fuss Applesauce LIVE on Fox23’s “Great Day, Green Country“.

Get ready once again for my awkward-sweaty-television voice Rebekah.


Here’s the live video. I never look at the camera. And, I call it Apple-saucy. What?!


With a few ingredients and a crockpot, you can make chunky and yummy applesauce without any fuss. This easy to make side dish is a great alternative to calorie-laden, sugar infused sweetie desserts. My No Sugar, No Fuss Applesauce  is great added to oatmeal, topped with ice cream or whipped cream, or just on its own.

To see the how easy it is to make and to have a printable recipe card for your binder-check out the whole post for my No Sugar, No Fuss Applesauce .

Here are the links to my other appearances on Fox23’s Great Day Green Country:

 Skinny Orange Julius
Homemade Cleaning Products
Homemade Beauty Products 
Homemade Laundry Items

Here are links to my Homemade Household Cleansers and Beauty Products:

Homemade Hygiene Products
Non-Toxic Beauty Products
Non-Toxic Cooking Spray
Anti-Bacterial Spray
Easy Laundry Soap
DIY Brass Cleaner
Organic Vegetable/Produce Cleaner
Homemade Household Cleaners

And here are a few Homemade Food Items to easily replace store-bought items:
Simple, Tasty Granola
Easy Crockpot Yogurt
Simple, Homemade Butter
Cooking and Freezing Beans, avoiding BPA
Homemade Hummus
Garden Fresh Salsa

Thanks so much for stopping by and spending time with such a weirdo. Make sure you become a Facebook Fan or a Linky Follower to keep up to date with what this weirdo comes up with next. Have a great day!

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