What a mess! Atlanta Hotels are weird….

Touring for years with my hubby musician, I’ve seen a lot of weird stuff. I’ve also had a hand in making some weird stuff happen to the bands we are on tour with. But, that’s a whole other story.

Let me give you a few fine examples:
1. A Cockroach-the size of a coin purse-flying out of a shower head and onto me at a not so fine hotel.
2. A gigantic plastic cow on a flatbed trailer being hauled by a convertible Dodge Dart.
3. A person that no one knew showed up in our bus, plopped down on the couch, and proceeded to drink our tequila. It wasn’t until I began asking around that we all realized the man was a stranger-a sneaky tequila drinking stranger.
4. A church steeple drove by our window as we sat in a Dairy Queen. Not kidding.
5. An RV burned to the ground on the side of the highway.

That’s enough for now. I’m sure I can rustle up a few more, but we’ll save those for later.

So, here’s a look at one of the weird things that I have witnessed at a hotel in Atlanta, Ga. This was underneath the nightstand that sat in between the two queen beds.

Why? Why was this necessary? How many things could possibly be plugged in to make such a gigantic mess?


Up close, you realize the insanity of the situation. I tried to undo the bunch of wires, hoping to bring organization to my life and peace to my frazzled mind.
However, it was thoughtfully zip-tied together.
Biceps stopped me before grabbing my fingernail clippers to cut through the plastic zip-tie.
And he reminded me that we were only there for a night. And to go to sleep.

written by

for the entire world. Deal with it.

3 Responses to "What a mess! Atlanta Hotels are weird…."

  1. Cheryl says:

    hmmm…. looks like there’s an extension cord for each extension cord! LOL ……


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