I will rise early and praise You.

My favorite time of the day is the early morning: the quietness of the world is calming to my own heart, the coffee is percolating-reinforcing that my home is my home, and the cats are a little frisky, but not overly frisky. They are just frisky enough to humor me.

My head is clear from yesterday’s worries. I may sit in bed for a few more minutes after Bicep’s has vacated the house, sip on my coffee and spend time with my God.


But, if the sunrise is too ridiculously awesome, I will hurriedly strap on my running shoes and a hoodie to begin my early morning run.


I take each mile to chat with God about someone in my family or in my circle of influence. It keeps my mind off of what I’m doing and helps me to focus on others, instead of myself.


He reminds me during our morning chats that He was around when the Romans built this. And, He was there to watch it crumble.


He was there when the Germans built this. And, He watched it fall.


He’s received millions into His kingdom, but hasn’t forgotten a single one of their names. Nor has He forgotten my name, or the names of those who don’t believe and He desperately wants to know.

He can be in my home, chatting it up with me while I cook dinner, or out on my runs, or when I hide in the closet because I’m frustrated. He never leaves me nor forsakes me.


And, He knows all my dirt and He’s forgiven me. And I have some dirt-just ask around.

He forgave me. Little old, tiny Tulsa girl, me.

He gave himself to be sacrificed in the most horrific way-beaten, flesh torn apart, humiliated, abandoned, and left for dead-so that I can be washed clean and be in His resurrected presence.
And he did this for you, too. And that person you don’t like very much. And that irritating slower-than-snot cashier at the grocery store.

That’s why I will rise early, with joy and praise Him. I can’t imagine living any other way.

written by

for the entire world. Deal with it.
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7 Responses to "I will rise early and praise You."

  1. Leigh Ann says:

    Beautiful! Thank you for this!

    • Rebekah says:

      Thank you Leigh Ann. I felt it was a good reminder and a challenge for myself. I’m glad that you liked it, too!

  2. Shannonannon says:

    Lovely start to my morning. Thanks. Its nice to find others who know that snark, sass and faith are not mutually exclusive.

  3. Sheri says:

    Great post! Thanks for the beautiful reminder!!

  4. Angela says:

    I am very new to your site, stumbled across it the other day. So, I am taking time to check in, check out and get to know you. And with this entry, I know I will read more. That we need not be in a hurry, need not worry too much and enjoy even the smallest things. Thank you for the simplicity of things, the humor, the humble and inspired thoughts.

    • Rebekah says:

      Yeah, Angela! I’m so glad that you found little ol me. And I do hope you come back soon-I like to make new friends!


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