Maxwell and his Tongue

This is Maxwell. He is all boy. He goes 100 miles per hour, or none at all.
He may look innocent, but if you are perhaps wearing a swishy skirt while preparing dinner, he may just try to climb aforementioned swishy skirt to get to you, the chicken or whatever else has caught his interest at the moment.

He may do a drive-by “catting”, which requires his paw, your leg and a lot of speed. Or he may just decide to meow incessantly while winding his way in and out of your feet up until the point you accidentally step on his already broken tail. That is our Maxwell.


This is also Maxwell, but at 0 miles per hour. He fell asleep apparently mid-lick. He has no clue my shutter is snapping millimeters away from his fuzzy and slightly orange face.


I must have taken 15 shots of this scene, never awakening “0 m.p.h Max”. This moment in time was such a reprieve from his normal antics that I dared not awaken him.


Bianca, sunning herself quietly, thanked me profusely-as any cat does with a tiny flick of her tail and squinty eyes.
The house was quiet for almost five minutes.

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for the entire world. Deal with it.
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4 Responses to "Maxwell and his Tongue"

  1. Sylvia @ Frolic Through Life says:

    You kitty is ridiculously cute and those blue eyes are amazing!

    I’m following you from the trendy treehouse hop.

    • Rebekah says:

      Thanks for stopping by! I’m so glad that you did. I know, Maxwell can melt the heart with those blue eyes…

  2. Dee says:

    Your blog is so funny and interesting, too!! LOVE IT!! Found it through Cheap Chic and don’t ask me how b/c I had stopped adding any more blogs to read and the name of yours stuck me as sooooo funny and who doesn’t have to check out something that makes you laugh so hard??

    I am in LOVE with your cats and I can’t have one-I’ll allergic!! Still LOVE THEM anyway but have a toy poodle named Izzie and she turned a year old June 7th, 2011….and she’s my little sweetheart!! She doesn’t get into anything but don’t drop a kleenex, paper towel or napkin-she will tear it to shreds….loves to tear the paper but thankfully won’t eat it!! Whew-so glad of that. She’s all of about 5.5 lbs and she’s a Parti-Poodle which is light beigish hair mostly and has different places on her that have apricot patches on her that are darl apricot on her ears and much lighter on her body!! She’s the sweetest thing ever and thinks I’m her Momma!! For sure!! lol Probably b/c her mother stopped feeding her at only 4 wks and we had to take her and bottle feed her around the clock and we N.E.V.E.R. thought she was going to get any bigger than just the palm of our hands! She really looked like a TOY TEDDY BEAR and it was hard to keep hands off of her-I was an over-protective Momma-and didn’t want germs all over her with strangers touching her! lol

    She’s the most friendly little thing ever and will be your best friend UNTIL she sees me and remembers she’s MY BABY and she runs to me for approval to just let someone that’s around her a lot-hold her~!! She’s got a great personality and soooo funny-plays on her back with her toys all by herself while in our bed….but also LOVES us to play with her!! She LOVES her toy box fullllllllllllllllll of toys and boy she has enough to open a toy store~!! She can get very rough with some of them and I worry about her shaking her head so hard when she goes to town on some of the really soft ones she can sink her teeth into and loves to throw up into the air-and where-ever they land……she runs to them and gets them!! It’s hilarious!! But I’ve had to throw out only 3 tos so far that were stuffed and she pulled so hard on them while playing tug of war with us-that she ripped them open and then the stuffing was everywhere!! She also will play for hours at a time alllllllllllll by herself with her toys, too, and also loves chewing on her nylabone!! She’s in LOVE with ALL her toys, though and really doesn’t like to share them when our son or daughter brings their dog(s) over to play with Izzie~!! Izzie tries to run and hide hers but Roscoe-my son’s Schnauzer is too fast and so much larger than Izzie-she never can get them all hidden so of course being the good Momma I am-I try to get her to “share” but she’s not happy when I do-and she tries to get it from me and pushes them under our bed!! I then close our bedroom door and just leave them alone…because she had soooooo many toys it’s ridiculous, anyway!! There are PLENTY to go around and Izzie doesn’t care a thing about the toys our kids bring of their dogs!! She only worries about her own!! LOL!! She’s something else!! I hate to use the word “spoiled” bu she may be a little bit on that side of the fence…just a tad, though!!

    I wanted to ask you something b/c I know nothing about cats but I’ve heard that cats that are white an have blue eyes are deaf….is that just an old wive’s tale or what? Have you ever heard of that?? Even our son says he’s heard that but they have 2 cats (had 3 but the oldest one died last summer and he was a WONDERFUL cat-Kipper was a great guy!!)….and my son says he’s heard that about white cats with blue eyes….but I never have thought to look it up or anything. I wonder what your thoughts are about that or if you know anything about it? I certainly don’t want to take up your time answering, though. I shoud just look it up….never thought about it or think about it until I see white cats, though-and honestly haven’t seen anything but my son’s black and white ones that are just gorgeous and soooooo cute and funny!! They are brother and sister but still spayed so they won’t ever have any kind of mix up or anything!! They RULE over the two little bitty long haired Chihuahua’s(they both are toooo cute for words-perfect markings to make them almost look human!! Absolutely darling!!) my gdaughter has, though….and Sugar (who has a lot of white on her chest…)and Tink (yea, she was little and they let her name her so she named her Tinker b/c of the movie/video of course!! And the 1st cat they got, they THOUGHT was a female but turned out to be a male-but they did get them from the same litter…but they were probably too small to be giving away but his friend’s wife was reeeeeeeeally wanting to get them out of their house ASAP which I thought was way to soon!!

    Those are the ONLY cats I’m ever around and they put them up when we go to their homes which are not close-about an hour away from us since my hubby took early retirement at 49 yrs old from a big oil/gas company where he worked for 25 yrs downtown Dallas and then we moved out here and love it in the semi-country!! I just ALWAYS have to take Izzie out (her registered name is Isabella and our gdaughter wasn’t able to talk well enough at only 2 yrs old and tried and I think she just made up a name for her instead b/c usually she comes close to or does say things right! But Izzie was what she called our sweet little poodle that definitely could sit in the palm of your hand when she was still 6 months old!!

    Well, anyway, your website is great-and I will be reading it often now and loved your beautiful white cats…and sorry for this long email!! Once I get started, no stopping me…lol!!
    Take Care and blessings to you and yours!!

    Dee That’s my home email and I check it way more often than the google one….I really rarely check the google one out!!

    • Rebekah says:

      I heard the same thing about white cats with blue eyes. I did a little research and there is a high percentage of kitties that are deaf that fit this description. However, Max is not deaf. He will come running if he even hears me get near his treat jar! Bianca has the green eyes, so she’s safe….
      It’s funny how invested we all get in our pets, isn’t it? I can’t believe what little personalities each one of them has. You see a cat or a dog, and you think they’re going to act like your cat and dog. And then, they’ll surprise you!
      Thanks for stopping by! I really appreciate it!


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