A Naturally Cool Thing to Do

Smack dab in the middle of Austin is a gorgeous natural spring called Barton Springs, which runs through Zilker park. We were brought to this wonderful oasis by some good friends of ours while finishing up this last tour. It was refreshing, to say the least.

I had to be coaxed, prodded and bribed to wear a borrowed bikini in public. I decided to get into the water as quickly as possible. However, the water is frigid. Cold. Icy. Chilly. Polar.
It took me ten minutes just to get my ankles into the water.

The sun had begun to set, cooling off the air around us. I inched my legs further into the water. After about twenty minutes, my knees were in. I was so proud of myself. And then this little cutey pie came up behind me and plunged right in. It’s hard to have a four-year-old show you up.
I finally forced myself to get in up to my waistline. My teeth started chattering. Biceps told me that once I got all the way in, it wasn’t so bad. He has never lied to me before…but….
I decided to stay at the waist line level. Please don’t judge.

Our friend shelled out the $3 to get us into the ‘nicer side’ of Barton Springs-complete with a diving board. There is also a free side to Barton Springs, but that means no diving board, no life guards and no sitting area.
However, you can have your dogs frolic about on the free side, which is honestly pretty cute to watch. And this is coming from a cat-lady.
I recommend this ol swimmin’ hole if you are ever in the Austin area. You won’t be disappointed.

written by

for the entire world. Deal with it.
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3 Responses to "A Naturally Cool Thing to Do"

  1. Dee says:

    What the heck is wrong with people?? I grew up in Austin and Barton Springs is an AWESOME place to swim, picnic, just visit and be sure to take your dog with you!!

    I grew up leaning how to water ski at age 5 going on 6 on Lake Travis in our lake home and I was on the Austin Swim Team for many years and also won a lot of ribbons for diving contests!! Of course my mother saw to it I learned how to do so many thing at the Crenshaw Center before my dad went all crazzzzzzzzzzy for boats of all kinds and loving the lake! I learned how to sail and my brother and I had a great and very, very nice sail boat and boy did we ever use it!! Our home was near Lakeway Inn and a gorgeous home and I cannot tell you how many fabulous summers we had there-off and on all summer long. My parents traveled a lot with my dad’s company and so we tried to go to the lake as much as possible! I absolutely loved Barton Springs and all of that area that’s upstream of Barton Springs, too!! The only bad part was when I finally got my driver’s license, I wasn’t supposed to go to South Austin or cross the bridge to get to South Austin from where I grew up. Well I can’t lie, so I’ll confess right now that both my brother and I both went to S. Austin when we felt like it and our parents never knew and nothing EVER happened to me but once!! At least my parents were out of the country and my brother was over in the same area when the fan belt snapped on my friend’s car (I knew we should have NEVER gone in her car!! Mine was brand new and I had many cars b/c my father owned the only Ford Dealership in Austin!!). If not for my brother, I probably would have gotten into a lot of trouble but he came to my rescue!! 🙂

    There are way too many places in Austin to mention and say how much I love ALLLLLLL of them, though!! You got it right about the places you mention but wow I WISH we still lived there! Don’t think that’s going to ever happen now, though. I still have old friends that live there-yep, some went back to Austin and a couple stayed after college at UT, too. I’m jealous but at least they come to visit and stay with us when they can and vice versa.

    I find it really interesting how people like celebrities now are going to Austin like it’s a Mecca calling them to come and put down some roots there!! It’s the up and coming new Hollywood of Texas!! Dangit! Wish I could still live there!! That’s a whole book there-to write about but I have already written too much in the comment section and I don’t blog but just read blogs now days anyway. Don’t ask…too long to get into about why I don’t blog any more.

    I just can’t believe nobody has found this blog-it really needs to be out there and seen and I KNOW people would love it!! How can you not?? Gimme a break-it’s awesome and what a clever person Rebekah is! Smart as they come, beautiful and just plain cracks me up with things she does and says!!

    Ok-so go to Austin….but stop by and pick me up, first!! I just will NEVER get to go enough!! You can spend months there and not see all the great places, either!!

    So happy you found Barton Springs, Rebekah!! Way to go-clear from San Diego to Austin….wow…you ARE smart!! 🙂

  2. Dee says:

    What’s wrong with ME?? I totally forgot the warn everyone about one thing at Barton Springs!


    Holy crap!! I totally fogot how I turned into a popcicle as soon as I dove into the water every time I was there!! I shook worse than an Mexican carburator!! I kid you not, it will freeze the balls off of a pool table!!

    Ok-you’ve been warned! And no, it wasn’t just me that froze. Ummmm…well maybe that’s wrong. Seems like everyone else but me warmed up………..but I N.E.V.E.R. did!! Usually kids can take anything like that but NOT ME~!! Still loved going there soooooooooooooo much!! Just wanted to let everyone know ahead of time!! 😀


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