Tag Archive for: tutorial

Arts & Crap Changes!

I’m back!
Sing it from the mountain tops! After 8 months of being gone from the blogging world, I am finally back up and running. I didn’t choose to be away, fate chose it for me. It was a rough loss for me back in January when my blog failed via the platform, Iweb.

If I could cut Iweb in two, I would.
Or at least pinky shear the programmer’s button up short sleeved shirts.


I had built the site myself in Iweb and for some reason, after a year of blogging with that platform, Iweb decided it had had enough. The ability to update my site, add posts, change anything, was a distant memory.


I pinched my pennies for several months and hired a web designer to build my site (correctly) for me. Once the framework was in place, I had the duties of importing all of my old posts-a task that required copy and pasting each bit of text, each picture, each title…you get the idea. I lost some of my “pretties”, but sacrifices had to be made.

I have a few exciting things to catch you up on from my eight months of absence. I’ll be expanding on each of these items over the next couple of months. But, I thought you’d like a bit of an overview to wet the ol appetite.

So, here are a few changes that have gone on since you last heard from me:

I planted my first full-fledged garden this year. The harvest included, but is not limited to: green beans, spinach, tomatoes, dill, basil, zucchini, yellow squash, potatoes, red and white onions, carrots and tons of peppers…
I’ll share with you some organic and natural ways to keep pests away from your garden, ways to improve the quality of your soil and cheap things you can use to stake up your plants.


I, with the help of Biceps, built a composter for my garden-one that spins ’round and round. It’s a lot of fun to watch it go “round and round”….and to watch it help my plants grow big and strong. I save all of the kitchen scraps and yard waste, throw it in the barrel and give it a push. I’ll teach you how to make your very own.


I also made two rain barrels to capture the water running off of our roofs. Did you know that 1″ of rain on an average sized roof (1500 sq ft) can equal 900 gallons of usable water? That’s a lot of water….

There’s plenty more where that came from, but no need to cram everything in. I’ll be sharing with you each of these tutorials with step-by-step instructions, along with pretty photos.

I am ecstatic to be back in the saddle again. The crafting saddle, that is.

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