Tag Archive for: bruder

The many sides of my Musician Hubby

The first time I saw Biceps, I thought there was no way in heaven that he would be the man for me.
As he performed, he dominated the stage and intimidated this little corporate girl to no end with his ‘tough guy’ side.
(You can read more about How I met my Hubby if you are bored one day.)

That’s him far left with his old band, Philmore. His uber serious side.

That’s him now lead singing for his new band. This is his intense side. Almost eight years have passed between this photo and the one above. During this time, I have learned all about the different sides to this man.

Like his banana-costume-wearing side.

His powerful and dare I say it–hot side?

His tender side. He’s loving on a puppy that has probably never felt love before in a barrio in Reynosa, Mexico.

Hello, Handsome Side.

Hello, Sweetheart Side.

Studmuffin Side.

Weirdo Side.

I love each of his different ‘sides’. But I do have a favorite side.
It’s the one that said, ‘I do’ to me almost ten years ago in a little chapel in front of our God, our family and our friends. I am thankful for this ‘side’ the most.

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Just a Normal Friday Night

‘So, Rebekah, what did you do last night?’
‘Ah, nuthin. We had a relaxing glass of wine and sat in the backyard. I even lit the chiminea. You know, the usual.’

Then Hubby told me to get all dressed up in my cutest clothes because he was taking me out.

And yes, we had a wonderful conversation…we talked of God and politics and how wonderful each other were.

I have never felt more relaxed in my life.

What I really enjoyed about last night was there was not a single distraction. Hubby was totally focused on me and my needs.

My brother (this guy in the picture) even called, and normally Hubby always picks up his call. Last night, we were so engrossed in each others eyes that he ignored the ringing phone.

We decided to call it an early night and went home to get a good night’s rest.
We fell asleep in each other’s arms. It was a wonderful night…

Ok, so not really.
I stood for five hours in high heels on a concrete floor next to sweaty dancing people.
The bass drum ripped a hole in my chest and my ears are still ringing today.
I stood by while two tweens flirted with my husband after his performance. He did not respond to the flirting. I love that man.
We got home and fell into bed around 2 am and I had to get up for a photo shoot five hours later.
That’s normal, too..right?

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