10 Reasons I’ve become a bad friend…blogger…Crossfitter…

It’s amazing how life can change on a dime. Who knew that having a baby would make every single one of my priorities change? This fact is no surprise to those of you who already have children-but to me, it’s earth shattering.

Things that were once super important to me-having my hair done (or at least combed), makeup on, clean underwear…are of little consequence at this point. While some new mothers blissfully nurse, keep a clean house and ultimately win at being awesome…I’m struggling to get Birdie to sleep in her own bed.
Birdie Farmers Mkt
And once something like this is in your arms, little else matters. I pretended to understand this when I was childless. However, there is no way I could have grasped the fulfillment I would receive from changing a stinky diaper.

The ginormous amounts of diapers that have flowed through my hands is one explanation to the reason that I’ve become a bad friend, blogger, Crosfitter, daughter, etc…

Here are a few more:


Milk Cow
1. Typically, if you call me, I am in the middle of feeling like this. Not the woman with makeup on in the pretty dress. Look a little more to your left. There. The animal with the tail and fur-that’s me.



Birdie Crying
2. This is reason #2 that I’m a bad friend. High-pitched screaming and phone calls do not mix.


Dirty Diaper
3. While I had my hands in this, (literally-it was IN this), you may have called, texted or stopped by. Sanitation must occur before touching anything. I apologize for being unavailable.
Messy house
4. My house may look like this, sans Whataburger cups. For a self-admitted “neat freak”, letting you see my house in this disarray would have challenged all that I know to be sacred.


Rebekah Hair
5. I’d love to go on a walk, get a cup of coffee, or hang out. However, this is also how I may have appeared. No one should have to deal with this.


Rebekah hands crossfit
6. Crossfit was my oasis before Birdie. It challenged me, pushed me to my limits and physically altered my body. Now, getting a good burp out of Birdie is my victory for the day. A good toot out of her is another.


7. If I have a moment to respond to an email or text, or if I want to blog-I’m doing it all with one hand. The other is occupied holding Birdie, (a job much envied by all grandparents).


vintage listening
8. My brain is half-functioning, sleep is weirdly sporadic, food is scarce and my interpersonal skills are suffering. I apologize for stinking it up in the listening department, dear friend.


9. If I have some downtime, I’d like to do this. It rarely happens, but the thought of it-although it is perhaps unattainable-seems magnificent.


Birdie asleep
10. However, if I have any downtime at all, you may find me instead staring at this. Can you blame me?

written by

for the entire world. Deal with it.
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3 Responses to "10 Reasons I’ve become a bad friend…blogger…Crossfitter…"

  1. Chris P says:

    🙂 (that’s all – just 🙂 )

  2. Jennifer says:

    And 1 Reason you’re an amazing mama: All of the above.

  3. Jackie says:

    Way to go! You will have NO regrets!! I have been there and done that and what a blessing it is raising a child!


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