Today, I rest.

Yesterday, during the lecture portion of my Bible Study, it began to happen. I got that horrible itchy feeling in the back of my throat that I tried to ignore.

If I let it have its way, it would turn into a full-fledged, coughing-up-a-lung, hack-fest. Since I was sitting on the fourth row of the sanctuary, I didn’t want to make a scene racing for the bathroom-and so, I held my ground. I suppressed the urge with a new piece of gum and a few tears.


Of course, being the idiot that I am-I kept going with my day. I had errands to run, Christmas cards to get out, dinner to make, lunch to pack, laundry to do and leaves to rake.

By the end of the night last night, I was hugging the throne and upchucking all that I had just ingested for dinner. But, it was just one small puke. I’m not sick, I said to myself.


This morning, I was not convinced to take the day off-just look at this list of to-do’s. And these are just the things I know I’ll forget if I don’t have them written down. They don’t include studying, doing the laundry, making Christmas present, vacuuming rugs, prepping dinner or any of my other daily chores.

But, on the way back from dropping Biceps off this morning, I nearly had to pull over to upchuck the piece of toast consumed for breakfast. Toast is not tasty the second go around and I wasn’t having it. Ick.


I made it home in time to puke in my personal toilet, called my Mommy (because who else truly cares when you’re sick but your Mommy?) and after a quick prayer, crawled into bed.

This is where I’ll probably stay until I pick up Biceps this afternoon.

Or until Crossfit.

Today, I rest.

written by

for the entire world. Deal with it.
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4 Responses to "Today, I rest."

  1. Vere says:

    Get well soon!

  2. Mom says:

    I hope my baby girl is staying in bed and not doing your monster workout!! No sympathy if you do. Get better! Love

  3. Chris Poersch says:

    Oh ugh – hope you’re better soon. Take care of you!

  4. Linda says:

    Feel better…


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