Summer Kitty Fight Club

I have notice the kittens have an adverse reaction to the heat. We spend three hours outside almost every morning trying to curb their voracious appetite for destruction. While I write, they attack butterflies, stalk crickets, and tick off squirrels.

You’d think they would come in exhausted and ready for some treats and a nap. No luck. They are training for some secretive fight clubs we humans are not privy to.


Max weighs approximately 10 pounds more than Bianca. So his defense is domination.


Bianca’s is one of supposed submission only to suddenly kick her opponent with her back rabbit feet and toss Max onto his butt. (If cats had butts, that is.)


That only dissuades Max momentarily. After a tense minute or two as he sizes up the situation…


…he pounces, bear hugs and rolls the two of them around like a burrito of fur. It’s a pretty exciting way to pass a few minutes until the both are tuckered out and go to their respective corners.

Max has been shunning treats, as of late. Bianca has been cutting back on her food intake. I have a feeling this training is getting pretty serious. And it has an end goal.

I just hope the end goal is not to take over the humans like I’ve always feared. But, if I have to be ruled by someone/something-being ruled over by a cute furry cat isn’t a bad way to go. Don’t you think?

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for the entire world. Deal with it.
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2 Responses to "Summer Kitty Fight Club"

  1. Bella says:

    Haha! This post got me laughing (incidentally it also made me look a little crazy seeing as I’m at work reading it! Naughty naughty I know!) First of all I love your blog, your posts are always very entertaining! I like the way it’s presented and how you use it as a way of sorting through your own life and filling it, I will have to give blogging a go at some point. Being new to the crafty world (I’m literally two months into it!It’s soo great, how did I not notice before how awesome making your own stuff is!). Very jealous of your cats! One day I hope to get a Maine Coon! Ever seen them? They’re HUGE!
    Random question! Are your cats deaf? Apparently a large percentage of white cats are it’s due to …hang on Wikipedia…. a degeneration of the inner ear (

    Anyway! I’m going to try some of your homemade beauty/cleaning products very soon!

    Take care,


    • Rebekah says:

      I’m so glad you liked the Kitten Fight Club Post. I never know if people care to hear about my cats or they’re more like-give us some dang recipes! We don’t care about your stinkin’ cats! As far as them being white and deaf-they don’t appear to be deaf. Although, I think there is some selective hearing going on when I am discipling. When I open the treat jar at one end of the house, they could be sound asleep at the other end and yet, come running. So, I’m pretty sure their tiny little ears work just fine. For the most part…


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